How to Spot Authentic Designer Items

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Vintage and thrift shoppers know well the thrill of victory when discovering a designer piece in the 50% off bin. But many of us also know the subsequent agony of defeat in discovering that what you thought was a designer score was a fake. 

But that sinking feeling doesn’t have to happen, fashion stalkers. In this piece, I’m going to share with you how to know the thrill of victory without having it ripped from your hot little hands by the agony of fake fashion defeat. There are clear signs to look for to help you out. Gather ‘round, fashionistas! Let’s find out how to hang on to that victorious feeling!

Brands Want to Know

One of the most important things to understand when seeking to protect yourself from embarrassing high fashion fakery is that brands want to know. Brands want to hear about any rip-offs of their products being perpetrated and to fortify their customer relationships and public profiles. To keep their reputations clean, luxury brands are only too happy to verify the authenticity of any piece you’re considering purchasing.

This can be done by engaging an authentication service. With all the frauds floating around out there in the style-o-sphere, you knew this was going to happen! Just upload photos of the item and within 24 hours, you’ll know whether it’s the real thing or not. 

Next, let’s look at some signs of authenticity for two of the most popular designer items.


Whether you choose to buy a belt from a luxury clothing outlet or the iconic Louis Vuitton fashion house, it’s a given that the LV belt is going to cost you considerably more. But before paying the high price of designer fashion, check out the serial number. Every high-end designer belt you find is going to feature a distinct serial number to assure the purchaser of the item’s authenticity.

Find the belt’s serial number on the inside, where you’ll find it printed under the brand name in a discreet location.


Bags are one of the international counterfeit market’s favorite targets, as the fake Birkin bag scandal made clear. But if you’re going to shop for any designer purses out there, knowing some key indicators of luxury quality is absolutely required.

For example, any stitching visible on your bag should be uniform and straight, following the intended flawless appearance of a designer bag. Hawkeye your potential purchase for hanging threads and other finishing “tells.” 

The quality of the material used to create the bag and the hardware are also important in determining the bag’s authenticity, as well as the quality of its lining, its execution, and that of other interior details. Finally, designer bags, like belts, carry unique serial numbers or codes found in hidden locations.

And if you’ve spent some time around designer clothing items, you will have developed a natural eye, hand, and instinct for authenticity versus the subterfuge of the ersatz. That’s your best defense against fakery.

All Profit, No Accountability

The prevalent problem with counterfeit fashion isn’t just the lack of quality and craftsmanship. It’s not even the loss of revenue to the brand that produces the authentic product. The real problem is the lack of accountability to the consumer accompanying the counterfeiter’s business MO.

With complete opacity as to the origin of many if not most counterfeit goods, it’s possible for these shady fakers to use highly toxic substances in the production of their counterfeits. But it’s also possible that these fakers are responsible for illegal practices like child labor. “Buyer beware” takes on a whole new meaning in light of these unfortunate modern realities. When predatory profit takes over, people are just the bottom line.

Understanding the Meaning of Luxury

Luxury means different things to different people. For some, luxury is the comfort of Umgee clothing, elegant in its simplicity. For others, it’s a stay at a 5-star resort. However, the generally accepted definition of luxury in terms of designer fashion purchases is “superb quality,  materials, and design execution.”

Luxury is associated with certain brands. That’s not to say that quality itself resides in a name. Rather, luxury resides in what the item is made from, how the item is made, and the skill level of the artisans responsible for designing and executing it. Quality is apparent in stitching (see above in “bags”), the quality of leather or other materials used, including hardware like zippers and closures, and the balance of form and function.

In other words, luxury is a symphony of well-executed elements that add up to a universally acknowledged standard governing everything from designer bags to custom-embroidered clothing. And the more time you pass in the presence of luxury items, the less likely it will become that fakery will get past your well-honed eye, hand, or nose. Recognizing that luxury isn’t a label is a great place to start developing your fake-spotting skills. Avoiding the agony of defeat when stalking designer items has much to do with your instincts. Keep your spider senses sharp and know the thrill of victory!

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